Through ITU’s partnership with the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), as required by the City of San Jose, SmartPass provides enrolled degree and non-degree students unlimited rides on most VTA bus and light rail lines, when used in conjunction with an ITU Student Identification card.
All registering students must pay tuition, and the VTA transportation fee in order to request a pass. VTA fee is a mandatory non-refundable fee, and is required each trimester, whether or not student requests/uses pass.
The SmartPass card renews automatically each trimester for as long as a student is taking classes at ITU, and continues to pay tuition and fees. Students keep the same card from trimester to trimester.
The pass will be deactivated when a student is no longer actively in an academic course, fails to make payment or does not pick-up their pass within two months of issuance. Student on leave of absence or break should keep their card for reactivation upon return to the University to avoid a replacement fee.
Starting January 1, 2018, VTA will be implementing new a new fare:
The name EcoPass is changed to SmartPass. Current cards do not need to be replaced.
VTA has excluded the Express Bus from the SmartPass program. Riders are allowed to board VTA Express Busses for $2.50 per ride. The surcharge must be paid with E-cash value loaded onto the SmartPass Clipper Card prior to boarding.
Quick Link
How To Get The SmartPass Clipper Card
Degree program, Open Campus, and certificate program students can request their VTA Pass card online after registering, paying tuition and fee, and agreeing to the card’s terms and conditions. New students can pick-up their card two weeks prior to the start of classes at ITU Information Desk. Summer camp and other short-term program students are directed to the ITU Information Deskfor VTA Pass Card issuance. Click on the SmartPass Clipper Card Request link, and complete short form. Read and agree to the SmartPass usage Terms & Conditions, then submit request.
ITU Student ID Card is required for pick-up. The VTA card’s serial number is linked to the student’s name, and ITU Student ID card.
How to Use the SmartPass Clipper Card
VTA Bus – When boarding a bus, tag your SmartPass Clipper on the Clipper card reader and show your ITU Student ID Card to the bus driver.
VTA Light Rail – At the Light Rail station before boarding, you must tag your SmartPass Clipper on the card reader located on the platform, before boarding the Light Rail.
Be prepared to show your SmartPass Clipper and Student ID Card to the fare inspector upon request. VTA Fare Inspectors will issue a citation to any ITU student without a Student ID Card.
Express Bus – is not included in the SmartPass card. Additional fares can be paid with E-cash Loaded onto SmartPass card prior to boarding. Riders can learn more about loading value to a Clipper Card at the following link:
For a complete listing of all Express Bus Service routes, please visit
Illegal Use of SmartPass Clipper Card
The SmartPass Clipper Card serial number is linked to student name and ITU Student ID Card number. The transfer or use of the SmartPass Clipper card by another person is strictly prohibited. Attempts to transfer, sell or misuse the card will result in immediate deactivation. VTA drivers and inspectors will not accept an expired or deactivated card. Contact the Student Support System, VTA Coordinator, when experiencing difficulties.
Anyone who files a false claim, alters, sells, transfers, or duplicates the SmartPass Clipper card with the intent to make money or evade the payment of any fare is in violation of California Penal Code 640. Violation of Penal Code 640 is punishable by a fine of up to $250 and 48 hours community service.
In the case of violations, students may be liable to the following:
- SmartPass Clipper Card access frozen and no longer eligible to participate in the program.
- Charged the amount equal to the cost of a VTA Adult Express Annual Pass (approximately $2000).
- Referred to the ITU Chief Student Affairs Administrator to assess the violation of student code of conduct, possibly resulting administrative disciplinary action(s).
SmartPass Replacement Policy
Lost or Stolen Cards
Immediately report loss to ITU through the support ticket system.
A $3.00 replacement fee for lost or stolen cards is not refundable, if the original Clipper card is found. VTA will not issue more than one (1) replacement Smart Pass Clipper Card, to any single individual per calendar year.
Defective SmartPass Clipper Card
If the SmartPass Clipper card is found defective, students can obtain a replacement card. Bring the defective card to the Information Center, and the staff will determine whether a no-charge replacement can be issued. Do not discard the defective card.
Do not punch holes, bend, cut or otherwise cause damage to the card. It will rend the card void. The Information Center will not replace a VTA Pass card for free, due to damage caused by negligence or mishandling.